

January 2025 — “Testify” in the inaugural print edition of Solid Food Press. [Cover] [First Page] [PDF].

December 2024 — “Name Wars” in Commuter Lit as Wednesday, December 11th, 2024’s story of the day [PDF].

April 2024 “The Other Solstice” (page 22) in Harmony Magazine by The University of Arizona (winner of the Mathiasen Award in prose).

August 2023 “Estate” in Sine Theta Magazine (nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2023). [Print edition available from Blurb] [Cover] [First Page] [Second Page]

July 2023 “Scout’s Honour” in Ricepaper Magazine. [Full text available online]

January 2023 “Clearly Very Junior” in Breathe Magazine. [Full text available online (page 14)] [Cover] [First Page] [Second Page]

October 2022 “Four Card Trick” in The Windsor Review. [Full text available online (page 5)]

July 2022 “Sea Otters” in Ricepaper Magazine. [Full text available online]

November 2021 — “Destination Wedding” in Island Writer Magazine. [Cover] [Table of Contents] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

August 2021 “Theory of Evolution” in Ricepaper Magazine [Full text available online].


Read my novelette (18k words / 90 min. read) about Spain and the-grass-is-greener syndrome, The Excellent Person

“Lalo,” she said. “You are back.”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Ted said. He noticed she used usted instead of . “I told you I would be, didn’t I.” He pushed the glass over to her across the counter. “Take some.”

Read my novelette (15k words / 75 min. read) about two childhood best friends who make a big sexual mess right before the Gentleman’s Singles final at Wimbledon, The Singles Champion

The chair umpire frowned, but only said thirty-fifteen. The crowd murmured and hushed again, while the lineswoman held up her hand to indicate she was okay.
“Close shave,” Harry said, whistling. “Remember Dubai?”
Lydia adjusted her sunglasses against the three-p.m. sun drumming down on her walnut hair, wishing she had brought a hat. She reached for her glass. “Do I,” she said.

Read my novelette (15k words / 75 min. read) about a commercial pilot and an elderly couple in an airport, during the dregs of the pandemic, playing a game of true love and Schrodinger’s Wife, Rendezvous.

He swayed there, squinting at similar signs along the corridors on each side of the long moving walkways which led from the check-in counters to security. 

“All these sodding toilets,” the man said, on his return. “And unisex? Or is it trans-sex?”

“Don’t drink that,” Will said, pushing the diluted disaster in the Glencairn towards the side. “If you hate the Balvenie, take the whiskey ginger. Please, for my sake.”

“It’s a modern-day Monty Hall problem. Or Schrödinger’s Wife, if Erwin were married. Was the cheeky bastard married?”

Read my short story (14k words / 70 min. read) about a researcher/aspiring novelist and her much-younger friend, spending one night in Paris, pondering the cost of great art, Les Iconoclastes

“I don’t think it’s actually in me, the book,” Léon says.
For a moment, the sun is in my eyes and I have to blink against it. I think he’s joking.
“But maybe I’m actually like those jeunesse who want to, but—”
“Wait a minute,” I say, lifting my hand to my forehead.
“—But ask if they really have to read, in order to write.”

Read my novella (23k words / 115 min. read) about Tofino and finding your place at the edge of the West Coast, Born Away

Mina pulls out a chair to finish the rest of the pizza. “I’m new here in ‘Naimo. I guess you know that. How long you’ve been in Tofino?”
“Three years,” he says. Sometimes, it feels like one. Today, it feels like longer.
“The ‘Mo and the ‘No,” Mina says. “You like it?”
He has to think a moment before he answers. Yes, is easy to say, but feels simplistic given his recent doubts. Mother always said let your yes be a simple yes, let your no be a simple no, as the Bible instructed. He does not want to put the town down either.
“Well enough,” he says.

Read my short story (12k words / 60 min. read) about two teenage girls taking acting lessons to learn how to cry properly, Saline Season

I squeezed my buttocks. “We’ve decided to take classes to cry better.”
“Does…she know why you want to do this?”
“No. She just thinks I want to be an actress.”
Mother had looked alarmed. “You? An actress?”

Read my short story (12k words / 50 min. read) tribute to breakups and dogs, Canine Weather

For the fourth time in as many years, they were confronted with the problem of who would take Lucy if, this time, they really did break up

Read my short story (4.5k words / 23 min. read) about a mother’s belief in Christian Science healing and the power of a cake, Cake

“You can go back to San Francisco, but don’t you come off the mountain,” Magda had quoted her professor on her return. And she certainly had not; she’d set up residence there. Every morning at breakfast, Florence shifted the Christian Science Monitor Magda left beneath her plate, unread, to the farthest corner of the table, with a note reading no thanks, and every night she held in her pee too long, waiting for Magda to move into a different room so Florence could sprint to the toilet.


Read a poem tribute… (currently unavailable as under consideration for publication)