

After a wonderful year at the smaller and more intimate hospital at Chilliwack, I will be finishing up my residency in family medicine in the Surrey-South Fraser Region, mostly based out of Surrey Memorial Hospital. Lots of goodness to come, including two months serving the rural community of Hazelton! My longitudinal family medicine clinic is based in downtown Langley.


Ultimate Premed Package is a FREE fantastic resource created by my colleague, Dr. Christopher Creene, with everything you need to prep for the MCAT, CASPer, multiple mini interviews, and more. Please donate to his cause, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, if you find it useful.

AAMC 2021 Situational Judgement Practice Exam Booklet is already free from AAMC, but it has answers at the back explaining 30 situational judgement scenarios you may encounter as a medical student/resident and is very handy reading.

“The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer is the most important poem you will ever read as a medical learner. If you are blocked with writing your personal statement, remember to write from the heart. They want to know what sustains you from the inside, when all else falls away.


Copefully (currently on hiatus) is a growing list of resources for self-directed mental health improvement, written by me. Foci included Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mobile applications, and narrative approaches. Please peruse selected articles from the archives below.

Selected Articles from the Archives:

Turning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) “Inside-Out”